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Quick Guide: Fire Safety for Pet Owners
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Quick Guide: Fire Safety for Pet Owners


7 pet fire safety tips to plan for & protect your furry friends during a blaze 

As a pet parent, your fur babies should be just as much a part of your fire safety plan as your children. 

If they’re not already, October is Fire Prevention Month, so there’s no better time to update your plan!

The seven pet fire safety tips below will ensure you’re prepared to protect them, care for them, and give them the best chance of survival during and after a fire.


Turn Your Fire Safety Plan Into a Pet Fire Safety Plan

A strong fire safety plan should account for every member of the household, including the furry ones!

If you don’t make them a part of your plan, no one will, and in the chaos of a fire, they could be forgotten, needlessly left behind, or left without the attention they need.

When packing emergency supplies, planning evacuation routes, and preparing your home for fires, consider your pets’ needs at every step. Consider what you’ll need to evacuate them quickly and safely and how you’ll care for them as the situation progresses.

The steps below will ensure you account for everything you may need in a life-threatening fire.


Keep Them Away From Heat Sources & Other Fire Hazards

Pet fire safety is just as much about prevention as it is about response.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, pets are a common cause of accidental house fires. Follow the safety measures below to help reduce your risk and keep your furry family safe from harm:

  • Keep them at least three feet away from any active heat sources – These include your fireplace, stove, oven, grill, candles, lamps, space heaters, etc. If you can’t keep a close eye on them, turn off any cooking appliances and put out any fires to prevent their curiosity from turning into a crisis.
  • Go flameless – Instead of using flammable candles, pick up some electric ones to eliminate the risk of fires. An innocent swish of your dog or cat’s tail can easily knock a wax candle over or light their fur on fire, needlessly endangering both their life and yours.
  • Remove your stove knobs or invest in covers – Wayward dogs and cats will sometimes turn your stove top on out of curiosity. If you don’t catch it fast enough, your whole house could fill up with gas, and we don’t have to tell you how dangerous that can be. To avoid this, you can either remove your knobs before bed every night or invest in childproof knobs. Either way, you’ll be able to rest easily without the fear of accidental fires.


Invest in Pet Fire Safety Stickers

Understandably, firefighters are taught to prioritize human lives over animal lives. However, if you’re away from home or safely evacuated by the time they arrive, a pet fire safety sticker can save your four-legged friends’ lives.

These stickers go on your outward-facing windows and notify first responders of the number and type of pets you have. That way, if they have time, they can look for and attempt to rescue them from the blaze. 

They’re a cheap addition to your pet fire safety plan that can make all the difference, which means they’re worth every penny.


Equip Your Home With Smart Detectors

With traditional smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, there’s no way to know when an emergency sparks up at home when you’re away.

But with smart detectors, you’ll instantly receive an alert via app or text on your smartphone, notifying you of the situation so you can send for help as quickly as possible. Fast response times are often the difference between life and death in an emergency, and these modern tools can give you a massive head start.


Pack an Emergency Kit for Your Pet

There’s no way to predict the damage a fire can cause to your home. You could end up having to shelter at a hotel or loved one’s place for days or weeks, or you may need to abandon your home entirely. 

That’s why it’s crucial to prepare for the worst-case-scenario and pack everything you might need to nourish and take care of your pet in the meantime. Carriers, leashes, favorite toys/blankets, food and water to last several days, medications—these supplies will keep your furry friend well-fed, hydrated, and happy while you find your way back home. 


Act Fast & Grab What You Need During Evacuation

In preparation for fires, keep your carriers, leashes, and emergency supplies close to the main exit. That way, you can quickly scoop up your pets, safely stow them, and grab their kit on the way out.

The idea is to make evacuation as smooth and easy as possible, reducing the risk of harm to you and your furry family.


Be Ready to Make the Call Nobody Wants to Make

No one wants to leave their pets behind, but when the choice is life or death, it’s not worth the risk. If saving your pet means endangering your or a loved one’s life, you need to be prepared to do the unthinkable. 

Leave the building as soon as possible, and once you’ve evacuated safely, do NOT go back inside to rescue a pet. Wait until firefighters arrive and tell them how many you have. They have the training and protective equipment to bring them safely back to you if it’s not already too late.

As difficult as it may be, the safest route in these situations is to trust your local first responders. But with this pet fire safety guide, you can minimize your risk of having to make that choice and give your furry friends a fighting chance.

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