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9 Safety at Work Quotes to Promote Risk Reduction
Personal Safety

9 Safety at Work Quotes to Promote Risk Reduction


A good quote can go a long way.

It can get us out of bed in the morning, motivate us to work toward a new goal, help us see things from a different perspective, and even improve our overall mood.

But when it comes to something like safety at work, quotes can also serve as a valuable reminder.

Displaying meaningful safety quotes in the workplace is an excellent way to build culture, promote company values, and highlight the importance of risk reduction. 

It encourages employees to do their best work, and do it safely, which protects not just them but the organization as a whole.

So, if you’re looking to promote a safe work environment and reduce risk, check out our list of nine safety at work quotes below.


9 Safety at Work Quotes for Your Business

  1. “Luck runs out, but safety is good for life.”   —A popular safety at work quote with no known author.

This slogan is all about being consistent. Avoiding any and all accidents is impossible, but if you always follow the necessary safety measures, you can protect yourself even when your luck runs out.


  1. “One earnest worker can do more by personal suggestion to prevent accidents than a carload of safety signs.” —E.R. Brown

Personal responsibility plays a massive role in safety at work, and this quote by E.R. Brown says it perfectly. If each individual employee sticks to the plan and encourages their coworkers to do the same, it can have an incredibly positive impact on company safety.


  1. “You don’t need to know the whole alphabet of Safety. The A, B, C of it will save you if you follow it: Always Be Careful.”   —Colorado School of Mines

It’s easy to go into autopilot mode when we’re doing something we’re familiar with, but as long as we maintain a healthy level of caution, we can help prevent and avoid accidents.


  1. “When safety is first, you last.” —Anonymous

Simple and straightforward. When employees put safety first, they protect themselves from accidents that can harm their health.


  1. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”   —Benjamin Franklin

Another short safety at work quote that packs a punch. Every little safety measure you put into practice pays dividends.


  1. “Safety applies with equal force to the individual, to the family, to the employer, to the state, the nation, and to international affairs. Safety, in its widest sense, concerns the happiness, contentment, and freedom of mankind.”   —William M. Jeffers, Union Pacific Railroad President from the early 1900s.

Jeffers makes us look at safety from a big picture perspective, and he’s absolutely right. When it comes down to it, safety is really about keeping each one of us happy, healthy, and able to perform our best.


  1. “Safety has to be everyone’s responsibility… everyone needs to know that they are empowered to speak up if there’s an issue.”   —Captain Scott Kelly, former Naval aviator, and astronaut.

Empowering employees to report and manage safety issues is one of the most important aspects of accident prevention. Creating a workplace where everyone feels like they can voice their concerns is vital to success, and a safety at work quote like this can help promote that feeling of security.


  1. “Don’t do something detrimental to yourself. In hurting yourself, you obviously do damage to you, but you are part of the team, so when you damage yourself via a poor choice, you are hurting the team as well.”   —Matt Forck, safety leader, and author

A crucial reminder that you’re not working alone, and everything you do — especially regarding safety at work — affects those around you.


  1. “For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.”   —Eleanor Everet, author

We have plenty of tools and devices that help keep us safe, but it takes a safety-conscious person to put them to good use at work consistently. By encouraging this state of mind, you and your team can enjoy a productive and safe work environment.


The Takeaways

Safety first might sound cliché, but it really does deserve the top spot on the priority list at work.

Completely eliminating risk is unrealistic, but if you spread awareness about safety practices, empower your teams to speak up, and lead by example, risk reduction will become that much easier.

That’s because when everyone takes personal responsibility for safety at work, it creates a culture centered around protecting each other for the greater good.

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